Our Invitation
While we are Marion’s first church, established in 1683, and we worship in an edifice of significant historical importance in the life of our State and the Southcoast region, the First Congregational Church of Marion, Massachusetts is an active, visible, vital, involved, and a dedicated congregation of God’s people. We cherish our tradition and take pride in our heritage but we are very much alive and at work in the present, and we are eagerly looking to the future that God is creating for us. In keeping with the life and teaching of Christ Jesus, we joyfully and unconditionally welcome all people of any age, gender, race, culture, or ability into our community of faith and affirm the worth of all people as unique individuals made in God’s image. We are open to the special gifts that each person brings and invite each one to participate in the life of our church.
We would like to invite you to worship with us at 10 A.M. on Sundays. We invite you to come and see what the Lord is doing in our midst. No matter who you are, or where you are on your life’s journey, you are welcome in this Congregation, where Jesus Christ is the head of the church. We want the First Congregational Church to reflect the hospitality and diversity of Marion, Massachusetts, to welcome all in Christ’s name, with open arms and open hearts.
If you are new to Marion and to Plymouth County, please consider becoming a part of our community of faith, joining us in worship, witness, fellowship, and service to the community at large. If you are interested in joining in Covenant with us and becoming a member of our congregation, please contact the church office at 508-748-1053.
Whatever you choose, please enjoy your visit to our church’s website, and feel free to pass along any comments or suggestions you might want to share.
May your life be always graced by God’s Shalom!